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Cannabis Science, Effects & Use Cases for Older Adults
These senior-focused episodes contain golden knowledge nuggets you can implement for your specific needs, regardless of your previous experience with cannabis.
We’ve compiled valuable episodes to quickly find insights you can use today!
Seniors stand to gain the most medical benefits from cannabis use - but they’ve also dealt with the most stigma against marijuana in their lifetimes, often making them reluctant to try cannabis. In this swapcast, Wayne discusses cannabis & hemp with Dr. Joe Casciani of the Living to 100 Club radio show, explaining the science behind cannabis’s role in supporting healthy aging in simple terms for seniors & caretakers.
Episode 50 - cannabis science 101 (Part 1)
Cannabis Basics with Emma Chasen
In the first installment of our Cannabis Science 101 deep-dive, cannabis educator and consultant Emma Chasen gives an accessible primer on the basics of cannabis science, including cannabinoids, terpenes, Sativa vs. Indica, and many more important topics for cannabis consumers of any experience level.
Episode 51 - cannabis science 101 (Part 2)
Products & Dosing with Emma Chasen
In the second installment of our Cannabis Science 101 deep-dive, cannabis educator and consultant Emma Chasen continues her lessons on the basics of cannabis science - this segment covers THC dosing recommendations, using cannabis for medicinal relief, and what questions to ask your budtender when looking for cannabis products of any kind.
Episode 109 - Cannabis for Healthy Aging
with Linda Jacobson
Emerging research suggests that the active compounds in cannabis may be able to help fight dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, and other signs of aging. How can cannabis become a miracle treatment for the very population with the most stigma about its use? We discuss the future of cannabis medicine with Linda Jacobson, Founder of Elders Together, and why she thinks cannabis is the secret to increasing human life expectancy along with quality of life.
Episode 34 - cannabis as medicine: use & dosing
with Emma Chasen
In this science-focused episode, Emma Chasen is back to review a research paper co-authored by renowned cannabis researcher Dr. Ethan Russo for an in-depth look at how to administer cannabis for medical treatment, and what doses of different cannabinoids work best for medicinal applications.
Episode 110 - Using Cannabis Medically for Seniors with R.N. Barbara Blaser
Cannabis is being used for many different ailments and new studies are constantly coming out! However, how Nurses and Family Doctors can recommend cannabis is a grey area as it’s still federally illegal. Our guest is Barbara Blaser, R.N. and Clinical Director at Magnolia Wellness. We discuss how those roles can talk about cannabis, a process for safely suggesting how a patient could use cannabis and what Budtenders can say when talking to medical patients.
Episode 54 - Understanding the Endocannabinoid System with Neuroscientist Michele Ross
Have you ever heard of the “Endocannabinoid System” in your body? If you said “no”, you’re far from alone! In this episode, Ph.D. Neuroscientist Dr. Michele Ross gives a scientific introduction to the largest signaling system in our body in easy-to-understand language, and explains how cannabis can help improve and support our health & wellness.