Submit FOIA (Freedom of Information Act)
Follow this easy guide or watch video
Visit this FOIA Request web page
Type “IRS” in agency search bar
Click on IRS from search bar & then click “Start FOIA request” button
Step 1 - Enter your name & address on forum
Step 2 - Copy & paste request below [update w/ your name & Year & State]
I'm requesting the [2019 Oregon] Compliance Initiative Projects (CIPs) created by the IRS for the State licensed cannabis industry.
Thank you,
[Your Name]
Step 3 - Skip
Step 4 - Select “All other requester” & “Yes” for Fee Waiver
Step 4 - Copy & paste the text below & enter $1 for fees you’re willing to pay
The information in requested documents (CIP for cannabis industry) will benefit the public interest as it will contribute significantly to the public understanding of how the IRS is approaching tax compliance for State licensed cannabis companies.
SUBMIT REQUEST… all done, now we wait :)